Opportunity Zone Funding

Identifying Gaps and Needs for Underrepresented Founders in Las Vegas

Based on the insights from the Las Vegas Ecosystem Mapping Report, several gaps and needs have been identified that specifically impact underrepresented founders, such as minorities, women, and individuals from challenging socio-economic backgrounds.

Challenges Faced by Underrepresented Founders

  1. Access to Capital
    • Underrepresented founders often face significant barriers in securing funding. In 2021, only 1.3% of total venture funding went to Black founders, and a mere 0.34% to Black women. Female founders overall received just 18% of total venture funding​(Las_Vegas_Ecosystem_Map)​.
    • There is a lack of investment sources that match the demographics and needs of underrepresented founders, contributing to the difficulty in obtaining early-stage and growth capital.
  2. Access to Talent and Resources
    • Many underrepresented founders struggle with accessing skilled talent and necessary resources to develop and scale their businesses. This includes limitations in recruiting due to a lack of networks and competitive compensation.
    • There is also a shortage of resources such as affordable workspace, technology, and professional services that are critical for startup success.
  3. Lack of Mentorship and Networking
    • Founders from minority backgrounds often lack access to mentors who can provide guidance, advice, and introductions to potential partners or investors. This mentorship gap hinders their ability to navigate the entrepreneurial ecosystem effectively.
    • Networking opportunities are limited, further isolating underrepresented founders from essential support systems and knowledge-sharing communities.
  4. Representation and Role Models
    • There is a significant underrepresentation of minority and female founders in the Las Vegas startup ecosystem. This lack of visible role models can discourage aspiring entrepreneurs from these groups from pursuing their business ideas.
    • Founders may struggle to find role models who have successfully navigated similar challenges, limiting their ability to learn from others’ experiences.
  5. Awareness and Visibility
    • Many underrepresented founders face challenges in gaining visibility for their businesses. This includes difficulties in marketing their products or services and attracting customers or clients.
    • Limited awareness of available support programs and resources can prevent these founders from accessing opportunities that could aid their growth and development.
  6. Navigating Regulatory and Legal Frameworks
    • Founders often face difficulties in understanding and complying with regulatory and legal requirements, which can be particularly burdensome for those without access to specialized legal advice and support.
    • This can lead to delays, increased costs, and potential legal issues that impede business progress.

Opportunities for Addressing Gaps

  1. Enhanced Access to Capital
    • Develop targeted funding programs that specifically cater to underrepresented founders, providing grants, microloans, and investment opportunities.
    • Partner with impact investors and socially responsible venture funds to increase the availability of capital for minority and female entrepreneurs.
  2. Resource and Talent Development
    • Create programs that connect underrepresented founders with skilled talent through partnerships with local universities, technical schools, and professional networks.
    • Establish resource hubs that provide affordable access to workspace, technology, and business services.
  3. Mentorship and Networking Programs
    • Launch mentorship programs that pair experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts with underrepresented founders, offering guidance and support.
    • Organize networking events, workshops, and forums specifically designed to foster connections among minority and female founders.
  4. Promoting Representation and Role Models
    • Highlight successful minority and female entrepreneurs through media campaigns, case studies, and public speaking opportunities to inspire aspiring founders.
    • Encourage established minority and female entrepreneurs to take on mentorship and advisory roles within the ecosystem.
  5. Increasing Awareness and Visibility
    • Develop marketing and outreach strategies to raise awareness of support programs, resources, and opportunities available to underrepresented founders.
    • Create platforms for showcasing the products and services of minority and female-owned businesses to a broader audience.
  6. Simplifying Regulatory and Legal Navigation
    • Provide legal clinics and workshops that offer free or low-cost legal advice and assistance to underrepresented founders.
    • Develop guides and toolkits that simplify the regulatory and compliance processes for new and existing businesses.


By addressing these gaps and leveraging the opportunities identified, the CDE Network can create a more inclusive and supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Las Vegas. This will enable underrepresented founders to overcome existing challenges and fully realize their potential, contributing to the overall growth and diversity of the startup community.

SourceEnergy Group R&D

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